We, the Only World Order staff do not claim to be scholars, Muftis, or authority in Islamic knowledge. We are very humble learners of Noble Quran and whatever we understand from this Holy Book, we share with the world here.
True Fact
It is a known fact that there is a system being implemented to control the world, and the name of such system is New World Order. As His Supremacy Allah says in the Noble Quran “there are only two parties in the world, first one, the party of His Supremacy Allah called ‘Hizbullah’ and the second one, the party of Satan called ‘Hizbusshaitan’ meaning there is no third party. The party of Satan is ruling the world right now and they are slowly and gradually implementing the New World Order using different tactics like:
- Controlling mankind by the men through democracy,
- Brain washing through media,
- Controlling the world economy through financial institutions,
- Creating and widening class difference through Capitalism,
- Killing the innocent people through imposed wars, biological weapons, political and religious terrorism
Hizbullah VS Hizbusshaitan
Our aim to establish this site namely Only World Order is to remind people about His Supremacy Allah’s system “Al-Islam” or “Ad-Deen”. Around 124,000 Messengers of His Supremacy Allah tried their best to implement this system, most of them succeeded but Ad-Deen was implemented in its complete form by the last Messenger His Excellency Muhammed (peace be upon him) and the world seen this system lively created the Paradise on this earth. This was the party of His Supremacy Allah “Hizbullah. But soon after the death of His Excellency Muhammed (peace be upon him) and his immediate companions called “Caliphs” (salute to them), the Hizbusshaitan resumed to implement their system, and they succeeded in this evil plan and again the world became the Hell.
Love For All – Hatred For None
Telling more about us, our intention is not to hurt any religion, sect or people through the material on this site. We love and respect all human beings without any discrimination of religion, sect, cast or race. We respect all religions, their gods, Holy scriptures, messengers and literature. Keeping this in mind our desire is to tell people about Islam and it’s teachings so that we all should join our hands and stand up against Hizbusshaitan (the party of Satan), through away their so called New World Order and start working jointly for the Only World Order, the laws of His Supremacy Allah by following the footsteps of His Messenger, His Excellency Muhammed (peace be upon him) and again make this world a home of peace and fraternity.
May Allah (One and Only) help us succeed. Aameen!
With deep love, respect and regards,
Only World Order Team
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